Friday, April 1, 2011

so its not rugby

I have been unable to write anything on rugby partly because the league is boring and does not involve travelling, thus beating the purpose of writing journals of NOT travelling on a travel site. But I ended up working in Nyanza for a bit in the last two months and so was forced to travel. I didn't watch a Minute of rugby but had loads of fun meeting new people, getting lost on boda bodas and blending into different cultures. Key moments to be remembered include:

  1. The amazing jango bash
  2. Nyoyo and Omena staple diets
  3. Backbreaking pickup with one horsepower
  4. Low profile tyres on kenyan roads
  5. Mchezo bus service
  6. Long road home.
  7. Maseno Ghost town
  8. Armaggedon in Ilundi

Over the next week, I shall give small stories of how Kisumu and Nyanza are the next frontier. But not just yet. If you get my drift.


  1. hahahahahaha...
    buda hauko..naona hiyo nyoyo umemwodo imeleta pressure kwa cranium..

    Good one though..


  2. .....waiting for the small stories...great...

  3. @viga.... NKT.. Is thea no other social network where one can communicate their fantasies other than in SOMEONE else blog comments...???
